To reach out to DR Arujuna PA contact :
PA: 07538385325
We respond to emails enquires within 24 hours. CareTeam's account is not monitored by a Doctor.
In an emergency please seek advice from your GP or NHS 111.
To book an appointment in one of the consulting locations:
The Wilmslow Hospital: 01625 241846
The Alexandra Hospital: 01618203828
Spire Manchester Hospital: 01614476600
The Beaumont Hospital: 01204404404
Spire Fylde Coast Hospital: 01253394188
Self paying patients: Initial consultation fee is £300, follow up consultations will be priced at £200. Our clinic accepts payment via debit/credit card over the phone. We require payment up front for initial self-pay consultations.
Insured patients: Dr Arujuna is recognised by all major insurers and regularly treats patients covered by medical insurance.

The Wilmslow Hospital
Spire Manchester Hospital
Spire Fylde Coast Hospital